Wednesday 6 April 2011

That boat looks familiar

Whilst  in Chester  undergoing some retail therapy, Chris drove past the basin and recognised a boat moored up there.  It was a familiar boat we had seen before.  We took this picture when we first saw it.

As you can see the boat was Caxton, in town, on her return trip from Ellesmere Port Museum.  Now Chris and I had been on board Caxton when she was displayed a Crick in 2009 when we first started to look for ideas for our boat.  We simply could not resist taking a few photos of her so we called back later in the day to ask Lesley and Jo if we could take the pictures and to say hello.

Lesley and Jo were not on board at the time but as we were about to leave they came along with Fletcher and Floyd their two lovely dogs.  We introduced ourselves and were invited onto Caxton for a look round and a chat.  Is was good to see how Caxton had fared since Crick and I have to say she still looks as good as she did then, she has even grown a little too.

Jo and Lesley made us more than welcome and we chatted at length about various aspect of boats, our plans for AmyJo and about what they would do different on their next boat.  I have to say their advise is gratefully received and has given us a lot of new ideas to think about.  Both Fletcher and Floyd enjoyed the fuss we gave them whilst we chatted and sat beside us all the time.  What lovely pair of dogs those two are.

With time getting on and not wanting to out stay our welcome we thanked Lesley and Jo for their hospitality and advice and bid them safe passage and then took our leave.

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